7 Tips to Prevent Separation Anxiety in Dogs

 Start with short trips and expand. Your dog learns you'll always return.

1 Gradual Departures

 Dog beds, toys, and scents provide a comfortable area. Without you, this place is relaxing.

2 Make Safe Space

 Practise leaving cues like getting keys or shoes without leaving. This decreases your dog's stimulus anxiety.

3 Desensitisation

By gratifying dogs physically and intellectually, regular exercise helps reduce anxiety.

4 Mental and Physical Activity

 Security comes from consistency. Your dog will relax with regular feeding, walks, and playing.

5 Set Routine

 To reinforce pleasant memories, give your dog a special treat or toy after you leave

6 Good Relations

 Consult a vet or behaviourist for severe dog anxiety. They provide customised anxiety management and medications.

7 If needed, seek professional help

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Consult a vet or behaviourist for severe dog anxiety. They provide customised anxiety management and medications.